Posts tagged Home Studio
Work in Progress : Keep Your Tools Handy

One of the main challenges of learning music production at home has been setting up my environment to be conducive to the creative process. When I have an Idea, I need to quickly get to a point where I can get it down on my computer so that I can expand on it later. A major part of that process Is workflow in my chosen digital audio workstation (DAW), Ableton Live. I’ve created a custom template that will load certain settings for me automatically so that I don’t have to waste time getting the project into a state that I can work with. It also saves me time by loading my favorite instruments so I don’t have to waste any time finding the right sound to start. I can change the sound later but at the start of the project I just want to get a rough Idea in place. (I’ll talk more about that template in another post).

Another part of this process also involves having my most used physical equipment in a ready state to help me make music. I keep my Bass Guitars out of their cases and in stands ready to be picked up and played through out my studio space. I also have a couple of regular guitars out just in case as well. My midi keyboards used to cause me some issues. My more portable keyboards typically would rest in my backpack with my laptop in case I wanted to have a change of venue. My main midi keyboard used to sit on my desk between my normal keyboard and mouse and the computer monitor but that tended to cause problems when I needed to type or use my mouse. This weekend I decided to solve that problem by adding a custom slide out tray to my desk. I got the Idea from a YouTube video but I decided to put my own spin on it since I would be purchasing the materials instead of using reclaimed parts. (If you are interested in that original video you can find it here. ) I think it turned out pretty well! While I was in build mode I also decided to make some custom speaker stands to get my studio monitors to a better position as well.

I really enjoy the process of making a vague Idea into something tangible, especially if it helps me become better at doing the things I love. I’ve got some other items I need to address in this room like sound treatments and maybe a mini fridge for longer sessions but every day things get just a bit better. It is an exciting time!

See you in the next one!